Filipina American Nurse Harassed at H&M

I got this press release and thought I should post it up.  Just shows that racism towards Asian Americans is so real, and that it doesn’t carry the same weight as racism towards African Americans.  Racism has become such a binary, and I really hope that H&M files their employee, and re-evaluates their hiring practices.


Asian American Institute Represents Filipino American Nurse

Harassed by H&M Employee


For Immediate Release

September 24, 2007
Contact: Myron Dean Quon, Esq.
AAI Legal Director
Cell: 773-865-6742
Work: 773-271-0899

(Chicago, IL) – Asian American Institute filed a discrimination complaint
with the City of Chicago Commission on Human Relations, seeking redress for
Frannie Richards, a Filipino American nurse who suffered anti-Asian and
sex-based harassment at the Magnificent Mile H&M department store. The
harassment included “mail-order bride” comments, ridicule concerning Ms.
Richards’ ability to understand English, as well as mocking “ching, ching,
chang” noises by an H&M employee.

“Anti-Asian, xenophobic, and misogynist verbal attacks still happen on a
daily basis,” said Asian American Institute Legal Director Myron Dean Quon.
“Asian American women, like Ms. Richards, should never have to deal with
this type of harassment, in Chicago no less.”

This past September, when Ms. Richards entered H&M to go shopping for
clothes, she had no idea that she would be the victim of a hostile and
threatening environment. “As a registered nurse and retired U.S. Air Force
Reserve Staff Sgt., I knew that I had to enforce my civil rights, for myself
and other Asian American women. Because H&M refused to discipline this
employee, I immediately thought of my own female relatives and friends. The
workplace usage of disparaging anti-Asian slurs should require the
termination of that H&M employee.”

Quon noted that Asian Americans should be able to visit retail
establishments and other businesses without having to endure a humiliating
and offensive environment. Asian American Institute will represent Ms.
Richards based her claim that H&M violated the City’s Human Rights
Ordinance, when the employee harassed Ms. Richards and also when in it
refused her request to file a formal complaint. Chicago’s
anti-discrimination ordinances guard against discrimination, including
anti-Asian and sex-based discrimination, when the discriminatory incident
takes place in Chicago and involves employment, housing, public
accommodations, credit, or bonding.

Myron Dean Quon is the attorney on Richards v. H&M Hennes & Mauritz, Case

# # #

The Asian American Institute ( is the region’s pan-Asian
nonprofit organization dedicated to empowering the Asian Pacific American
community through advocacy, by utilizing research, education, and

2 Comments on “Filipina American Nurse Harassed at H&M


    Hey everyone!

    We wanted to post the final arrangements and clarify information regarding the protest in front of H&M on Saturday, October 6th. It will start at 10:00am and last until 11:00am! Media will be contacted and asked to cover the protest from 10:00am – 10:30am. Please meet in front of H&M, 840 N. Michigan Avenue, Chicago no later than 9:55am. Who is leading it? Family and friends of Frannie (LosBañes) Richards, there is no specific person or persons. Do we need a permit? NO; just keep moving in sync in a line and do not block the entrance ways of the stores on that block or the street. Please do not disrupt traffic.

    The previous tentative message & VIA Times presented a tentative time of 10:00-1:00pm. Because those were tentative times, we are informing you of when the media is informed to be there. We are hoping that you would be able to be there at that time. We apologize for such short notice. We understand that you have busy lives and truly appreciate all the support you have given to us! You are welcome to stay until 1:00pm but most of the people arriving at 10:00am are planning to leave at 11:00am. We were not expecting a huge crowd. Thank you for spreading the word! Please continue to help educate others on how discrimination towards any gender and any race is intolerable and unacceptable. We know you will act civil and that you understand this is a peaceful and informative march.

    Thanks again for all your time and support!

    Hope to see you there:

    October 6th, Saturday
    840 North Michigan Ave
    Chicago , IL 60611
    10:00AM CST-11:00 CST

    LosBañes Family

  2. This is my first journey to foreign countries, i feel this is the best journey for ever i like to fly Australia again i messed lot there

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